Basketball, passion, resilience, self discovery, college basketball, chasing dreams

The Creation: How Sports Fueled My Passion for Starting a Clothing Brand

Growing up, sports was my identity.

Long hours in the gym, missing out on hanging with friends, double and even triple practices a day... All the sacrifices I was willing to make in pursuit of my dream.  

Basketball played an irreplaceable role in shaping who I was and am today. It wasn't just a hobby; it was my life. Through the sweat, tears, and unwavering dedication, I found my passion, my calling, and my first dream - the dream that I knew I would do anything to chase. Basketball was my path to self-discovery, a means to make my family proud, and a lifeline during my struggles. 

The court was the reason I gained a profound sense of confidence. As I honed my skills, I saw myself grow as a player and person; I couldn't help but become more confident in every aspect of my life.

My hard work led me to the success of making my dream of playing D1 college basketball come true. My freshman season was filled with achievements and promise, yet I found myself getting kicked off the team after that season. The coach simply did not believe in me and felt she could find better talent elsewhere... It was a gut-wrenching moment that shook the foundation of my identity and sent me into a spiral of uncertainty even making me question who I was as a person. However, I knew this would not stop me from chasing my dreams.

 I transferred schools, and it was there that I was able to make history, becoming a 1400-point scorer.

However, this was not my biggest achievement.

My journey in basketball taught me invaluable life lessons. It showed me the power of resilience, the importance of believing in yourself, and ignited my self-discovery. I became confident in my identity as a gay and masculine woman.

Sports can change lives, not just for athletes, but for all those who find inspiration in their stories.

The belief and confidence I gained through basketball sparked new passions within me knowing the ball was going to stop bouncing one day. It ignited a desire to create something of my own, something that could inspire and empower others just as sports had done for me.

Basketball gave me the confidence to be who I am, and fashion was the way I expressed that. Sports and fashion are the gateway to self-discovery, a realm where I realized that there are no boundaries to what we can express through the clothes we wear. Before I knew it, I was on a mission to create unisex clothes that is made for everyone. Inclusivity, authenticity, and versatility were values that I held during this process.

Just as sports changed my life, my clothing brand is a way for me to change the lives of others, one piece of clothing at a time.


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